Monday, September 04, 2006


i thought i could handle it.
i thought maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
but then it hit me.
after reading all your letters. [i hadn't even gone through 5]
it hit me that i won't see any of you for SIX WEEKS. [yes.i tried to fake my strength by saying "IT'S ONLY SIX WEEKS.IT'S NOT THAT LONG."
but it is.
and the fact that i may not have internet access at the times when you all are on.
it's tough!

i'm really really going to miss you seriously.i'm so happy so many of you came down to send me off.hahah even if i didn't go in at the time i told you all.and i feel so honoured you all skipped dinner with your families to have a late/rushed dinner just to send me off.thank you for all your letters and calls and messages and LOVE.i love you all so much.i've been emo since i started reading your letters and looking at all the lovely presents you gave.

it honestly was an amazing sight to see ALL of you together.i'm so sorry i couldn't spend enough time with all of you.but i really appreciated your presence.i had so much to say to you all but i couldn't get everything out i decided to post it on my NEW blog.

i thank God for blessing me with all of life has been so much better cos of all of your encouragement and joy."you are the sunshine in my life"

please please don't forget me.hahha please?

ok enough mush.sooooo i may not have internet access.[it is NOT a convent.haha.i think.] so if you love me enough to wanna write to me OLD SKOOL. here's my address:

[ooo just had a security talk and it hit me hard it is NOT good to put it up on the WORLD WIDE hopefully nothing bad happens and most of you have it if you can't remember or need it just ask around or ask me when i get back. >.< geeez it's really veryveryveryvery scary don't mess.but thanks again to all who did manage to write!! =D ] (091006)

well it's 8ish at night here and 3ish in the morn there.
tmr i move in.
and im scared.
but i should have more faith right?
i think im just pretty home sick.
pretty pathetic aye.
less than 24 hrs in uk and im homesick.
eep i really hope it'll be great.
i'll try to update.


Blogger s0h_hWe3 said...

STEF!! its only 6weeks! hang on okay! we're always behind u!! :D

9:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stef.. Hoot the owl... hahah. hmmm.. must tell me how dinner with the dorm chicks went! ^^

10:16 am  

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