Saturday, August 18, 2007


today i waited.
waited for what?
a simple something.
but did i get anything?

i dont know why i bother.
no one can ride a seesaw alone.
and right now im all alone in the playground,
all i want to do is ride the seesaw.
that's all.
but whatever.
who cares right?
i give up.

stalker guy is still messaging, still calling.
im just wondering when he'll actually stop.
but i do have to say one thing,
persistence really pays off.
the more he calls,
(and the more bored i get)
the more i want to reply or pick up.
to be honest,
he's probably caring most of all (not including family),
this isn't good.
i think one day i'll just reply,
im thinking a couple days before i leave so i wont have to deal with him for too long.

the way things are going now,
i cant wait.
but i know there still are some.
and i'm lucky for the few.
but many other fews...

there's always a yes in a no.

Monday, August 13, 2007

went to the hospice today and had team building sesh
we played "cross the amazon river"
where we had to hold hands and step on pieces of paper (rocks).
only catch is once the "rock"is activated there must be constant pressure if not than the rock will sink.
it's just one of those 'work as a team and communicate effectively' activities...
but then i realised that i won't play any of those games ever again,
at least never the same as the ones we played during mg camps. =(
i miss camps so much.
the games,
the "who can sleep the least" nights,
the lectures,
the cordial,
the food,
the tshirts,
the worship,
the lovely cold cold showers late at night,
the stank of our "sleeping quarters"
the fun,
the friends.

Friday, August 10, 2007

well me and nigel cos he has both our numbers and doesn't know who's who.
who in their right mind would ask out a person through sms and send it to 2 unknown numbers?
man when i said i needed drama,
i didn't expect THIS kind of drama!
i finally have a summer story!
this is pure classic.
im tired and aching.
but a price that's well worth every single cent.
freaky stalker guy keeps calling.
but smart nigel and stef aren't picking up.
this is so funny.
don't worry.
he's blocked and won't know he is less he finds this blog.
then im screwed.
but oh well.
i shall cross the bridge when i meet it.