Tuesday, October 24, 2006

something to blog about.

i really was immensely surprised.hahhaa HENCE the ruddy WOW shirt.hahaha.it was fun and interesting.heee so sorry it wasnt as big a rave as you all hoped it to be but it was still nice. special thanks to jen and my mum.hahahha

i think i had an overdose of seemingly sad shows.definitely an overdose of gore and violence.we watched till 6am then stone-watched and stone-guitar heroed then i fell asleep bout 9 ish?hahahha then we had to wake up cos lunch had to be cooked.not bad lunch if i do say so myself.ahhaha.well apart from the weird pasta.swensens was fun too.hahha.tasted goooooood. interesting dmc after that as well.hahaha. therefore i conclude that today was PRETTY eventful. =]

i dont think i've adjusted to the time change just yet.cos im still pretty awake now.hahaha.staying up all night probably didnt help either. >.<

close your eyes and take the leap.


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