Monday, November 27, 2006

did my bilge coursework today.
i got results that were completely contradictory to my prediction.
my experiment sucks. there are so many faults to pick at.
i have no idea what i'm doing and it's killing me.
i hate not knowing things and being lost.
bilge is definitely going to be the death of me.
i'm just so scared that i won't do well.

i know i've been saying this over and over again but i honestly cannot wait for christmas.
i need to get out of this perpetual cycle.
it's just work work work work work work everyday.
i can properly say that i'm stressed.
but what's really pathetic is that i finished all my prep over the weekend so i'm ahead by quite a bit but i have no idea what to do with myself now. it's like once prep is taken away i have nothing else to do.hahahhaa.
time has just been passing sooooo slowly.
i've done nothing the whole weekend.
i've just been watching films and sleeping.

i've been listening to the calling all night.
i've just rediscovered how amazing their music is.
their songs all sound the same but they're still gooood.
because i listen to my ipod so much i'm actually listening to some of the songs i would never listen to if i had the choice. so i sort of found new songs! haha.

i just heard that pantene [which is pronounced as pan-ten here, yeah i know...strange] is bad for your hair. it apparently coats your hair with something bad.sigh.and here i thought i found my fav shampoo. it just smells sooo good. i have to go shampoo shopping once i finish my stock of panteeeeeen.

i will now go look for something else to do cos someone needs to do some work.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

well i'm finally online!!!hahaha and it's only 645 in the morning there.haha so of course i expected to see many many many pple online at this time. im in london now,been out since thurs night.mum came out to see its been rocking.haha

mum met my teachers on thurs.and she didnt believe that they only had sweet things to say bout me.pfft.hahhaa.geee.then we went to eat chinese was alright i guess.on friday we had an awesome lunch.then in the evening we watched THE best musical EVER.we watched BILLY ELLIOT THE MUSICAL.really amazing.hahha i bought the soundtrack.the kid is soooo talented.i really loved it.ermm then today we just shopped.phew.crazy.had chinese again tonight at the SAME restaurant.hahha.but it was all cool i guess.

im going back to school tmr night.and my mums gonna take me out on monday night to go eat some thai near i never really know what to say when i bear with me as i ramble on and on and on and on.

gosh i honestly dont know what to say.well except im sorry for wasting your time reading this rank entry.hahaha.ill try better next time!! >.<

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

let the rain fall down

i've got that song in my head, haha. nice hilary duff.
hahaha i'm still slipping in nice in my sentences, nostalgia i think.
one more day to short leave!! hoosha.
mum's in london now and she's taking me to see billy elliot the musical and eat chinese food hahaha can't get any better than that!!
but even though it's short leave the teachers wouldnt think for the tiniest moment to not give us any prep... no sireee.
i'm gonna have to rush through as much as possible so that i can actually relax during short leave.
i need this break soooo much.
the constant pressure and work is just driving me cwazy.

christmas is coming!!!!! i am sooo psyched! i simply adore christmas.everything's just so jolly. =]
i'm bummed i'm not getting a regular input of post anymore. =(
haha but i admit it's partly my fault since i keep putting off replying...well not intentionally. >.<

i have a bilge coursework materials list due in tmr but i dont really know what im gonna do... dilemma muchhhh.
but i have an idea that i can fall back on, considering no one wants to do the same one.but my idea isn't too stupid, nor is it too difficult so *cross fingers*

Thursday, November 02, 2006

here we go again

it has suddenly become fuhhhh-reeeeezing. every day it's a wonder how my fingers manage to stay on. you know what i realised? i dont know what to write here without repeating exactly what i'm going to say in my snail mail.... geee what a horrible dilemma.hahaha so i think i shall be brief here and be more detailed in my snail mail so as to increase the appeal of writing to me. =D big hint much. i shall now ramble bout pointless things.

this week has been absolutely horrendous.every day i stay up finishing prep that's due in immediately the next day.haha part of the reason why i have such a back log is cos i didnt do any work over long leave.hahha too much fun maybe. >.<>

we didnt have football today. =( well we went out and waited for 20 mins only to find out it MAY start at the time we decided to leave. and im assuming that there actually was football so i feel unfit. but im planning on going to exercise over the weekend so im trying to make myself feel better to get through the week.haha

what's really strange is for the past few days i've been waking up an hour plus earlier than i should.that's definitely not's not like i've been sleeping longer either.queer. hopefully it doesnt happen for the third time.

what was really cool was one night when we had a study sesh in the booter, which i had never seen before, i discovered that we actually have a fooseball table in the house!! how awesome is that right? i will give it a go one day, hopefully soon. >.<


kat: yes i was waiting for you. but it's alright no harm no foul.hahhaha yes write to me soooon!!!

oeij: hahaha yes yes it was rather eventful wouldn't you say?i just really really wish i had more time. but soon i will be back again with a whole month to do whatever too. =]

shubha: ugh annoying thing.the one time i call you and you're ASLEEP. you could have at least CALLED BACK you know. whole point of caller id!!! goshhhhh.anyway i'm back in england already.haha busy doodoo.